aha, i mean, hey, if pacman affected us as kids we'd all be munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music, amiright?

holiday lore

!! still under construction !!

Wheel of the Year

the "eightfold wheel of the year" that many pagans, recon and neo alike, adhere to is a relatively modern invention based on late 19th and 20th century writings. the wheel does in fact draw upon many original pagan holidays, but tends to syncretise Celtic and Germanic practices while presenting each of these incredibly broad groups as a monolith.

so if i'm a recon, why do i celebrate it?
a couple reasons:

a) many of these holidays, as aforementioned, do have an analagous festival in Brythonic pagan cultures

b) it's hard enough to find other pagans to begin with, and most have chosen to celebrate using the wheel. public festivals are a great way to meet people if you're part of a minority religion

c) my family and i love to celebrate! eight festivals a year has been awesome, and i wouldn't change it for the world


October 31 / November 1
(aka Samhain, Hop-tu-Naa, Nos Galan Gaeaf)

the first of the four fire festivals.
the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. an ysbrydnos, or spirit night, when the veil between our world and Annwn is at it's weakest.

lighting candles, giving offerings & saying prayers for the dead
ritual bonfires
apple bobbing

associated deities:
Gwyn ap Nudd, Rhiannon


December 21
(aka Alban Arthan / Yule in Germanic cultures)

the longest night of the year; the death and rebirth of the sun. a time to come together with family and give thanks for their warmth.

ritual bonfires
baking, cooking & large feasts
giving thanks to the Gods

associated deities:
Mabon / Maponos


February 1
(aka Brigantica)

the second of the four fire festivals.
a celebration of the halfway point of winter as the cool weather turns warmer. livestock begin to birth their young, and as the snow thaws, life begins anew. preperations begin for the next year of crops.

hearth fires
prayers to Brigantia / Brighid
offerings to Her and objects for Her to bless
making corn husk dolls

associated deities:
Brigantia / Brighid

Alban Eilir

March 21
(aka Ostara / Eostre, Spring Equinox)

the celebration of the balancing of day and night and the recognition of the days becoming longer.
the soil is once again soft and fertile, and many use this as a time to plant the seeds of prayer and wisdom they hope to sow in the coming year.

baking buns, cooking with eggs
egg hunts
cleaning and cleansing rituals

associated deities:


May 1
(aka Calan Mai, May Day)

the third fire festival.
another ysbrydnos, a time when the veil with Annwn is thin. celebrates the beginning of summer and the lengthening of the year, new life and brighter days.

ritual bonfires
maypole dancing
gathering herbs and plants (especially hawthorn)

associated deities:
Beli Mawr / Belenus, Gwythyr ap Greidawl, Rhiannon, Pwyll


June 21
(aka Alban Hefin, Litha, Golowan,
Gŵyl Ganol yr Haf, Summer Solstice)

the celebration of the longest day and shortest night. many stone circles, including stonehenge and the callanish stones were built to align with the sun on this date.

ritual bonfires and dancing
baking, cooking and feasting

associated deities:
Mabon / Maponos, Gwythyr ap Greidawl


August 1
(aka Lammas, Lúnasa)

the final fire festival of the year.
the beginning of the harvest season as we reap what we've sown throughout the year. a time to reflect on the relationship between the Gods, the people, and the land.

berry-picking & jam making
bread baking
offerings of the first crops

associated deities:
Lleu Llaw Gyffes / Lugh / Lugus

Alban Elfed

September 21
(aka Mabon, Meán Fómhair,
An Clabhsúr, Autumn Equinox)

the harvest festival.
a time to give thanks to the Gods and to the earth for the bounties of the harvest. the second time in the year where the hours of light and darkness are balanced.

making corn dolls
baking pies and bread
a harvest feast

associated deities:
Mabon / Maponos, Gwyn ap nudd